Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Breaking of Regulations

In my opinion people breaking FAA regulations for UAS platforms is a slippery slope. The FAA does a lot of good in the US with creating regulations that keep us safe in the air. However, the FAA did not keep up with drone regulations and there for are pumping out strict regulations so they can try to catch up to make more moderate ones. The regulations put in place greatly limit the drone’s capability and does not allow the drone to showcase its full protentional. I found an Instagram page by a user named @Kodak_digital. This person has some stunning photos of the Chicago skyline on the page but some of the pictures you can clearly tell broke FAA regulations when it comes to line of sight, altitude above the   ground, and altitude while under Bravo airspace. Some of the people breaking the regulations I believe are trying to be pioneers in showing what the drone is capable of if the regulations were loosened. However, the way it is being done is not safe and makes it a lot harder for all the people who are trying to do things the proper and safe way within the current regulations. I think the FAA needs a better reporting system for UAS violations along with strong fines for repeat offenders. Since these violations are being posted on social media by either video or photos the FAA should have a social media account, on all the major platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and twitter, that is dedicated to just investigating drone violations. It should be as simple as just tagging the FAA drone media account so they can begin to investigate the possible broken regulations. I think we need to report the violators to the FAA no matter how amazing what they are doing might be. I know it stinks when regulations are strict but having safe skies and the preservation of human life should be our top priority.

Source: @Kodak_digital (Instagram)

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