Tuesday, September 25, 2018

UAS Regulations

The FAA  is making a lot of regulations for UAS platforms. The FAA thought UAS platforms were just going to be a fad that died out after a couple of years but they were wrong. UAS platforms are currently booming filling so many different types of jobs for search and rescue, to pipeline inspections, to videography, and many other things. Some of the regulations made by the FAA limit what is able to be done by the platforms. A two of the regulations that I believe need to be changed are being able to fly over people, and only being able to fly by line of sight unless you have special permission. I believe you should be able to fly over small groups especially if it is being used for filming purpose. I believe the regulation should be closer to that of a aircraft. Aircraft are not able to fly over football games, baseball games, and music festivals. Aircraft are not allowed to fly over large open air gatherings of people. I believe UAS regulations should be more closely modeled to that of aircraft. This would allow for more film footage projects and better shots of what ever was being filmed. The second regulation that should be changed is only being able to fly by line of sight unless you have special permission. I believe that if the UAS platform has GPS tracking, a return to home, and a gimbal camera the platform should be able to fly out of the line of sight. These features keep the platform safe allowing the platform to see its surrounds and know where its located on the map. The return to home feature will return the platform to its launch point if it loses GPS connection or if the battery charge gets to low. If this regulation was changed it would make the UAS operators job easier to inspect buildings, pipe lines, etc if the platform could leave the operators line of sight. Changing these two regulations would make the UAS business boom more then what it already is and would make the quality of the jobs preformed so much better.

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